
Hi, my name is Al Chien and decided it was finally time for me to enter the 21st century, get my social media game on, and put down some thoughts, best practices, and general sales concepts on to “paper”.

Over the past 20 years, there has been a sad deterioration in how professional sales people are trained, how expectations (quotas, key selling objectives, milestones) are set, and what drives certain people to success.  I don’t begin to profess to having all the answers, but after 30 years in the sales game, and 20 years of building and managing channel sales organizations, I’ve seen a lot, done a lot, accomplished a lot and want to share these thoughts with the world.  If, and when, the time is right, my hope is to use this material to write a book, providing some insight into what makes certain people successful in sales, pitfalls to watch out for, leveraging resources, and providing a playbook to success.

Thanks for reading.

Al Chien
